Connect with Ken for all your Real Estate needs!

Kenneth Ziehm II
(603) 315-1157 cell
(603) 883-8840 X15 office
Ken Ziehm II has been a REALTOR® since 1992. In 2003, he received his New Hampshire Broker’s license. Then in 2004, he received his Massachusetts real estate sales and broker license. Using his expertise and background in Real Estate to assist clients in choosing a mortgage to meet their needs, he started originating loans for Merrimack Mortgage in 2004. As an optional service, he opened Melody Mortgage, LLC, licensed by the State of New Hampshire Banking Department NMLS #131782 in 2005 with his parents, Ken & Sandra Ziehm, to help counsel and advise clients and offer extremely competitive rates. For more information please visit his website at
Ken graduated from Tabernacle and from the University of New Hampshire receiving a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science degree. He has two daughters and a son, Jacqueline, Victoria and Kenneth III, the joys of his life.
Ken is a second generation REALTOR®. During his real estate career he has bought and sold many units for clients and personally. He has sold several condominium units in Partridge Berry Hills in Nashua, New Hampshire where he used to live.
He has worked with investors and has personal experience from owning, managing and remodeling an older multi-family building unit on Crown Hill in Nashua. In addition to that he has general contracted new construction homes, as well.
During the Gulf War, he served in the Army National Guard Reserves. He is a member of the Granite State South Board of REALTORS® and the National Association of REALTORS®. He served as the Master of the Rising Sun for the Masons, and as a Board Member for the Scottish Right Dyslexia Center and as a Shriner. In his spare time he enjoys fishing and basketball with his family and friends.

Harmony Real Estate, Inc. - 2 Winnhaven Dr Hudson, NH 03051