How to Make A Quick Sale: 10 Things to Do to Sell Your House Fast
When it comes to selling your Hudson home, cleaning up and fixing any broken or worn items will help you attain a higher value for your house. Take a look at these 10 things you can do to make your house more appealing before you sell.
- Power Wash
The first impression is very important. Power wash the exterior of your house, garage, decks and walkways to make it look clean. The cleaner your house appears the more well maintained buyers will think it is. You can hire a company for a few hundred dollars or with a couple hours you can do it yourself.
- Paint
Painting your house can take ten years off the look. A new fresh coat of paint can do wonders to spruce up the cleanliness of a room or especially the outside of your home. Make sure all the trim and doors look clean and maintained to tell buyers your home has been loved.
- Landscaping
Take care of your lawn. Make sure to use the lawn mower and water your lawn before putting your home on the market so that the exterior of your home looks its best. Some weed whacking will also go a long way. Make sure to make the edges look pretty to match the rest of your lawn. You can hire a professional or take a few hours of your time. It will be worth the effort when you get the best price possible for your home.
- Gutters
Clean the leaves and gunk out of the gutters. It is good for inspections and for possible water retention issues that can occur to your foundation when the gutters have already been maintained. If there is build up from a gutter causing a backup into your basement it could be mistaken as something more expensive. It also gives a clean look to the finish off the exterior.
- Steam Clean
A clean carpet is vital for showings. People will wonder if it’s possible to get stains out and consider replacement instead of cleaning when they see stains. For a few hundred dollars you can have a company come and do it for you or you can rent a steam cleaner and invest a few hours to make your home look it’s best. If you have pets it’s especially important to try to rid your home of any additional odors or stains that might cause a buyer to rethink purchasing your house.
- Add Storage
If you add storage to a room with a closet, as long as you’re on public sewer, it has the potential to be another bedroom. Buyers will look at it as extra storage or the potential for the additional room for a child, a spare bedroom, workout room or even a in-home office.
- Check the Roof & Attic
Take a look at your attic and your roof before putting your home on the market. Sometimes you’ll find a small leak that can be repaired prior to listing instead of having to replace a whole roof if a buyer becomes concerned. Checking the attic is also a great thing to do because many times if you haven’t been up there in a long time there could be rodents or even mold growing up there to could potentially kill a deal or become more costly by not addressing it prior to the listing.
- Wash & Fix Windows
Cracked and broken windows can easily be fixed by a glass repair company without having to replace every window in your home. However, if a buyer sees lots of damage to your windows it will get them thinking that all the windows need to be replaced when a smaller fix may be adequate. Washing the windows will do wonders for brightening up the space and look of the home as well.
- Declutter
When you remove all the excess clutter it makes your home feel more inviting and spacious. Remove any excess things that you’re not using for the season and put them in Rubbermaid bins to put in the basement or garage. Put away all the extra photos and trinkets that make your home feel cluttered. While it may be nice to have mementos all of the house for your enjoyment it is distracting for buyers.
- Replace Your Filters
Filters don’t cost too much and showing that you care for your HVAC systems goes a long way for a buyer. Seeing that you maintain all your system is an important step. It also keeps your systems running and working properly.
All of these projects could be done by yourself or easily enough done by a professional, as well. If you need a list of qualified professionals give us a call, we’d be honored to help.
If you are thinking of buying or selling a Hudson NH house for sale, give our agents a call and we can discuss your options. Call Harmony Real Estate at (603) 883-8840 for more information today! Visit our website for tips on buying a South Hudson house for sale. We would love to help you with all your home buying and selling goals. We are the agency in tune with your real estate needs!