Unleash the Love: 5 Magical Ways to Pamper Your Dog with Joy

Listed below are 5 ways to pamper your dog. Friday, August 26th is National Dog Day. There are lots of things you can do to pamper your dog, that I’m sure won’t go unnoticed by your pooch. Our dogs are only around for a short period of time in comparison to our lives, so let’s make their days memorable. Statistically speaking, dogs are driving millennials to their first-time home purchase as well. Rentals can be scarce and most won’t even allow your dog.
Share these 5 ideas with your pup and I'm sure they'll be raving fans!
You can make frozen pup cups for your dog because if you want to save money. However, you can also easily buy pup cups in the freezer section at the supermarket. They are super easy to make and they are much healthier for your dog without the additives though. Puree strawberries, bananas, pure pumpkin (not pumpkin pie mix), peanut butter (make sure it doesn’t have xylitol in it) or any other dog friendly ingredient. Mix one of those purees or a mixture of them with Greek yogurt. Then freeze them into cupcake sized portions. If you go to Starbucks, you can even get them a free puppuccino, if you request it.
Most dogs love play toys. They can be as simple as an empty water bottle, a tennis ball or a store bought toy. Seriously, give them a dog toy and soon you’ll see a happy face and their tails start to wag. There are even treat dispenser toys that you can leave at home with them while you’re at work or away for the day to keep them occupied.

Take your pup for a walk, a hike or bring them to the park. If your dog is hyper the park will be the favorite place to go. Bring a ball launcher and 2 balls and let your pup run and fetch balls. Or just walk around and let them enjoy the day. As an added bonus, you’ll get some exercise while you’re at it and your dog will love you for it!
Give Fido a bath, brush their teeth and comb their fur. Your dog will love it. If the tub isn’t a fun experience for you at home, local pet stores have walk in bathing stations where you can do it yourself or you can setup an appointment and have them do it for you. A bath is an added bonus for you too because it makes them smell so much nicer. Teeth brushing makes for friendly greetings when they are panting in your face, and combing their fur is just plain old relaxing for both of you. Grooming is an added bonus because it makes them smell so much nicer.
Your Time
You don’t even have to spend a million dollars for your pet to be happy. Your pup is just looking for you to spend time with them. It’s all they look forward to all day while you are gone. You are their best friend and they love you.

Many dog owners admit they like to pamper their pets. On average Americans spend almost $1400 a year on their dogs. Pet spending has doubled in the past 10 years. More than 50% of millennials buy their dog a gift monthly, and they prefer to do it online. Why do we pamper them? Our dogs are a huge part of our family. They are always the first to greet us when we arrive home and we love them. Who wouldn’t want to reciprocate that feeling?
If you have a dog and are considering purchasing a home give us a call. We would love to help you find the home of your dreams with a nice yard for your pooch.
If you are thinking of buying or selling a Southern NH house for sale, give our agents a call and we can discuss your options. Call Harmony Real Estate at (603) 883-8840 for more information today! Visit our website www.Harmony-RE.com for tips on buying a Southern NH house for sale. We would love to help you with all your home buying and selling goals. We are the agency in tune with your real estate needs!