Powerful Ways To Be Thankful

What are you thankful about this year? When things are hard or stressful it can be hard to be thankful. I suggest to you that we should not just be thankful at Thanksgiving but to be thankful every day.
I’m thankful for my family, present and past, especially my kids even when they are a pain, as well as friends who have become family to me. Ultimately tomorrow is not promised and we should live for all those we love, today. I’m grateful for a lovely office with which I can share my time with co-workers who have become like family. I’m thankful for a roof above my head and lights and electricity with which I can use it. I’m especially thankful for my health and happiness as it’s not a given.
With all that’s going on this year, in 2020, we need to think of ways we can be thankful. The Pandemic and the Election have made many people bitter and we need to find a way to get along and even be thankful for each other. Can’t we all agree to disagree sometimes and still be friends?
All the shopping that goes into getting ready for Christmas can be another thing that makes us happy or unhappy. It may be hard for some right now and if you’re struggling how can the over glorified present giving be enjoyed? I will be finding ways to help others in times of need, and helping Small Businesses survive. I will be helping a family in need with Christmas, buying crafts from local artisans, and getting gift certificates as gifts from the small restaurant around the block. If you are social distancing that’s fine too. If you prefer to buy online from a local chain, I will still love you just the same. It’s all personal choice and that’s why we enjoy living in the United States. I am just trying to do my part to help those that may be struggling.
Let’s take a moment to think about what we can be thankful for. Do you like a cup of joe first thing in them morning? I know I do. Do you enjoy reading the paper, watching the news or social media before you leave for work in the morning? Are you retired and get to spend time with your grandkids? Or are your kids a source of joy in your life? What about a gentleman who holds the door for you? Or a nice pair of cozy sweats at the end of a long day?
Stop and take a minute to think about what you are truly thankful for. Make it a daily routine. Try to think of things you are thankful for every day before you go out. Say something positive about yourself. It will improve your mindset and in the process your mood. Seeing things in a different light is a true blessing!
Holidays can be a hard time if you are grieving the loss of a loved one, as well. Thanksgiving can be hard if you are recovering from grief because it may be the first Holiday without a loved one. We all know that can be hard to be thankful for but your loved ones would want you to be happy too. Please know we are here if you just need an ear or a friend to listen.
We are thankful for each of you. Without our customers and clients we would not be able to make a living and you bring our success. Many blessings to you on this Thanksgiving.
If you are thinking of buying or selling a Southern NH home for sale, give our Agents a call and we can discuss your options. Call Harmony Real Estate at (603) 883-8840 for more information today! We would love to help you with all your home buying and selling goals. We are the agency in tune with your real estate needs!