8 Effective Home Staging Tips for a Sale: Staging Your House

So you’re thinking of selling your Hudson home. Have you thought about what updates would make your home more marketable or researched tips to sell your home? An easy and inexpensive way to ensure your home sells is through staging. Perhaps you’re wondering what that entails? Staging your house is all about the aesthetics. Think of staging as a great way to put your homes best foot forward to show people what made you first want to buy. Just by following a few of these tips can help your Hudson house for sale spend up to 83% less time on the market than non-staged homes according to The International Association of Home Staging Professionals.
1. Take a peek at the competition. Search your areas listings. Is there a Hudson house for sale that stands out? Some that turned you away? Take notes on what drew you in and what made you say next. With poor staging, even a great home can seem small dark and uninviting. Doing this can give you ideas of what your home and listing needs to stand out.
2. Deep clean your home! Such a simple step, but a crucial one. No one wants to picture themselves in a dirty home. Start by decluttering; either by throwing items away you don’t need or storing items with friends, family or in a storage unit. Now we know keeping a home spotless for months can become daunting, especially if you have kids. Make sure your agent gives plenty of time before showings to tidy up and another option is to hire a weekly housekeeper to help with the upkeep. A small price for big results!
3. Paint and touch ups are another great way to update your home to sell. Now that your home is clean, you may look around and start to notice a scuffed wall or chipping corners. Maybe you’ve loved having a dark colored living room, but your buyers are looking for something light and natural. A simple paint update could be what’s standing between you and your house selling. We suggest light and airy earth-toned colors like grey or beige. It helps enlarge your spaces and keeps things looking fresh.
4. Interior design plays a big role as well. The idea of staging is to make your home look unlived in. We encourage owners to take down all personal effects and rearrange your furniture to best fit your space not your lifestyle. For example, instead of your furniture facing the TV have the couches face each other in the living room. While we are keeping the décor to a minimum, interior designer’s recommend odd numbers like having three throw pillows on your couch. Have a small space? Add a mirror and double it. These tips will make your rooms feel bigger and draw in the buyers. The key here is to get the most out of your spaces and to give them purpose.
5. Don’t forget lighting! We are setting the stage after all and what’s a stage without lighting? Replace the burnt out bulbs, open the blinds, and get as much light in your home as you can. The key to people falling in love with your house is being able to see it!
6. Having a pet and selling a home can be tricky; a good practice is to keep their items stored out of the way and to make sure they aren’t there when the house is being shown if possible. You don’t want your loveable friend distracting from your beautiful home. If the key to staging is to make it look like no one lives there, the dog bowl, litter box, and all the toys your family pet enjoys need to be put out of sight.
7. Make your home smell inviting. So you’ve done the heavy lifting part of staging and are running out the door before a showing, give the house a once over make sure everything’s in its place and give the house a spray down with some air freshener. You want your home to feel clean and smell can play a huge roll here.
8. Now that the inside of your house is staged to perfection don’t neglect the exterior. Whether that is mowing your lawn, weeding, planting some annuals for a pop of color, or pressure washing the siding, it's all part of staging your house to sell. This is the first look at your home a buyer will have and curb appeal is everything!
Good luck incorporating these tips for staging your house to sell. Selling your Hudson NH house for sale is not always easy, but with our help we can make it less stressful. Visit our website www.Harmony-RE.com for more tips to prepare your Hudson NH house for sale.
If you are thinking of buying or selling a Hudson NH house for sale, give our Agents a call and we can discuss your options. Call Harmony Real Estate at (603) 883-8840 for more information today! We would love to help you with all your home buying and selling goals. We are the agency in tune with your real estate needs!