Tag Archives for " South Hudson "

How to Sell your South Hudson House with Pets

Selling a home can be stressful enough as it is, but selling a home where pets have lived can be even harder! Unfortunately for home owners, pets can turn away potential buyers. When you have lived somewhere for a while, you usually don’t know what your house smells like because you get so used to it. Meanwhile, someone who is just visiting, such as a potential buyer whose in your South Hudson NH home for a showing will notice all of the odors lingering in your home.

Unfortunately, not everyone likes animals. If a buyer walks into your South Hudson NH home for a showing and it smells like urine, feces, or an animal in general, they will no longer be interested! Removing all signs of pets before your home is listed then selling it is the easiest route but not always possible. Be sure to clean your home before any showings and repair any damage your pet may have caused.

Before cleaning your home you should try to relocate your pet so no more accidents happen. Cleaning products can be very harmful and toxic to most pets, so you want to be careful with the choices since you wouldn’t want them getting sick and incurring vet bills that can be very expensive. Washing and vacuuming your rugs can remove any lingering odors left behind. Be sure to use something safe that is pet friendly just in case you need to move your pet back into your home, or just in case whoever buys your South Hudson NH home has pets too.

Be sure to clean your yard as well. If your animal has dug any holes in the ground fill them in so no one will get hurt. Many home buyers will ask to see your yard and walk around it. Also, most animals use the bathroom outside, even if they don’t, check your yard just to be safe that there are no landmines that a buyer might step in No one wants to step in dog poop, or see it for that matter. If they do, they may decide not to go back to your South Hudson NH home again if they feel it is a maintenance issue.

Once you have removed your pets, and cleaned your home and your yard you should be okay to set up showings at your home! Good Luck on your new journey selling your South Hudson home!

If you are looking to sell your South Hudson NH home and you have pets give our agents at Harmony Real Estate a call at (603) 883-8840 for more information. Or if you are looking to buy a home and have a pet we would love to find your dream home. We would love to help you on your journey.

Selling a home can be stressful enough as it is, but selling a home where pets have lived can be even harder! Unfortunately for home owners, pets can turn away potential buyers. When you have lived somewhere for a while, you usually don’t know what your house smells like because you get so used to it. Meanwhile, someone who is just visiting, such as a potential buyer whose in your home for a showing will notice any odors lingering in your home.

Unfortunately, not everyone likes animals, and if a buyer walks into your home for a showing and it smells like urine, feces, or an animal in general, they will no longer be interested.. If you could remove any sign of your pets at all before your home is listed then selling it may come a lot easier to you. Be sure before any showings you clean your home and repair any damage your pet may have caused.

Before cleaning your home relocate your pet so no more accidents happen. Also, cleaning products can be very harmful and toxic to most pets, and you wouldn’t want them getting sick as vet bills can be very expensive. Washing and vacuuming your rugs can remove any odors left behind. Be sure to use something safe that is pet friendly just in case you need to move your pet back into your home, or just incase whoever buys you home has any pets.

Be sure to clean your yard as well. If your animal has dug any holes fill them in so no one will get hurt. Many home buyers will ask to see your yard. Also, most animals use the bathroom outside, even if they don’t, check your yard just to be safe. No one wants to step in dog poop, or see it for that matter, and if anyone does they may get upset and not want to go back to your home again.

Once you have removed your pets, and cleaned your home and your yard you should be okay to set up showings at your home! Good Luck on your new journey!

Sealing the deal: How to Get a Mortgage

Buying a South Hudson NH home can be extremely stressful, especially when the home of your dreams costs more than you can afford. Luckily for you there are a few ways to get the most out of your money, and we are here to help you. Here are some important tips on how to get a mortgage,.

We will always stand by your decision as it's yours to make but we will guide you along the way. It's nice to be able to go out to dinner or buy a new pair of shoes and not just live for a house too.

How Much Can I Afford To Borrow for a South Hudson NH Mortgage?

Your credit, income, debt-to-income ratio, the size of your down payment, your employment and residence history are all factors in how much you can borrow for a mortgage. Be cautious when you get  a mortgage because the amount you are able to borrow can exceed the amount you can afford.

What Are My Upfront Costs?

Some costs associated with buying a Hudson NH home start to appear before you even make a payment on your mortgage. These include:

Mortgage Application Fees

When you apply for a mortgage there are always fees. Application fees include service fees, which can be flat fees, or they can be a % of the total purchase price. Application fees include the appraisal, credit report fees, title insurance, flood certification fees, lawyer costs, points, as well as application, processing and underwriting fees. Depending on the company you choose to work with they can show up differently on the closing statement.

Earnest Money
Earnest Money is an initial deposit to be paid into an escrow account once your offer is accepted. This is also known as a “good faith deposit” which may influence the seller's decision on whether to accept your offer. The more you put down, the more serious your offer will appear to the seller.

Down Payment
You can get better mortgage rates by having a larger mortgage down payment. Down payments range from 0% to 20% or more of the total cost of the South Hudson NH home you decide to purchase. Some people put down 20% in order to remove the cost of the Mortgage Insurance Premium. Paying mortgage points up front can also help lower your payments.

Closing Costs
Final closing costs can range from a flat fee to a percentage of the total loan amount, depending on your mortgage and the agreement with the seller. Sometimes closing costs can be rolled into the mortgage loan amount which means you can pay it through your mortgage. The other option is to ask the seller if they are willing to pay some of the closing costs in your offer, if the market will accept it.

Closing costs can include:

  • Mortgage Application Fees
  • Mortgage Points
  • Title Insurance and Title Search
  • Escrow Deposits
  • Attorney’s Fees
  • Inspection and Surveys
  • City Recording Fees

Don’t let this list of closing costs worry you because they are all paid at closing and can be estimated by the lender upfront to give you an idea of what will be needed in the transaction.

Home Ownership Expenses
Owning a South Hudson home requires financial commitment far beyond your monthly mortgage payment. You will also be required to pay your mortgage insurance, home insurance, utilities, repairs, and property taxes. Make sure to take all of these costs into account when you are deciding how much you can afford to borrow to buy your new home. It is crucial that you consider all of these costs before you decide to get a mortgage.

Planning And Saving Tips

If you are still saving for your new home, here are some helpful tips for you:

  • Maintaining a reliable income improves your standing with lenders
  • Paying your bills on time and limiting your monthly debt helps improve your credit score
  • Saving for a larger down payment can lower APR and payments
  • Combining your stated income with a partner or spouse can help you afford more
  • You want your mortgage payment to be less than a third of your income

Building up your finances and your credit rating before you buy a South Hudson NH home will help you to afford more when you decide to purchase. It can also help you compete with other buyers for the home that you want. This will make owning your new home easier to manage!

For more information on How to Get a Mortgage for a South Hudson NH home for sale give our agents at a call at Harmony Real Estate at (603) 883-8840. We would love to help you find your South Hudson NH dream home!

Buying a new home can be extremely stressful, especially when the home of your dreams costs more than you have to spend. Luckily for you there are a few ways of getting around that, and I am going to help.

How Much Mortgage Can I Afford To Borrow?

Your credit history, income, the size of your down payment, and your employment and residence history are all factors in how much mortgage you can borrow. Be sure you borrow cautiously because the amount you are able to borrow can very well exceed the amount you can afford to borrow!

What To Will I Need To Pay Upfront?

Some costs associated with buying a home appear before you start making regular payments on your mortgage. These include:

Mortgage Application Fees

When you apply for to take out a mortgage there are always fees. Application fees include service fees, which can be flat fees, or they can be 1% or 2% of the total purchase price. Application fees also include an appraisal, and credit reporting fees. They may be worked into the total closing costs, depending on the company.

Earnest Money
Earnest Money is an initial deposit to be paid to the seller if your offer is accepted. This is also known as a “good faith deposit” which may influence the seller's decision.

Down Payment
You can usually get better mortgage rates by paying a higher mortgage down payment. Down payments rance from 0% to 20% or more of the total cost of the home you decide to purchase. Most people put down 15% to 20%. Paying mortgage points up front can also help lower your payments.

Closing Costs
Final closing costs typically range from 2% to 4% of the total loan amount. Closing costs can sometimes be added into the mortgage loan amount which means you can just pay it as you are paying your mortgage.

Closing costs can include:

  • Mortgage Application Fees

  • Mortgage Points

  • Title Insurance and Title Search

  • Escrow Deposits

  • Attorney’s Fees

  • Inspection and Surveys

  • City Recording Fees.

Don’t let the long list of fees worry you because they are all paid at once and can be estimated by the lender upfront.

Home Ownership Expenses
Owning a home requires financial commitment far beyond your monthly mortgage payment. You will also be required to pay your mortgage insurance, home insurance, utilities, repairs, and your property taxes. Make sure you take all of these costs into mind when you are asking yourself how much you can afford when thinking of buying a new home. It is crucial that you are informed of these costs before you decide to take out a mortgage.

Planning And Saving Tips

If you are still saving for your new home, here are some extra tips that could be helpful for you:

  • Maintaining a reliable and regular income improves your standing with lenders

  • Consistently paying your bills and limiting your monthly debt help improve your credit score

  • Saving for a higher down payment can lower APR and payments

  • Combining your stated income with a partner or spouse can be to your advantage

  • You want your mortgage payments alone to be less than 28% of your income

Building your finances and your credit rating before you buy will help you to afford more homes. Also, it can help you compete better with other buyers for the home that you want, as well as making it easier to handle the costs of buying a home. This may also make owning your new home easier to mangage!

6 Steps How to Successfully Sell Your Fixer Upper in South Hudson, NH

There can be challenges when it comes time to sell your fixer upper house. It can be more challenging to sell a home that needs a lot of work or updating, than a home that is in good repair. Most buyers want homes that have modern kitchens, spacious master bedrooms and updated bathrooms. Fixer uppers rarely have such amenities and need work.

The buyer will either need to have the time and be handy or have the extra money to pay to have the work completed. The key to successfully selling your fixer upper lies in reaching the right audience. With the right real estate agent this task will be much easier to accomplish.

Here are some tips on how to sell your fixer upper in South Hudson, New Hampshire:

1. Find a good agent to help you sell your South Hudson NH house. You can interview a few and decide who is the best fit. Make sure you ask your agent if they’ve sold houses that have needed to be fixed up before. The more experience they have, the easier it will be to sell your fixer upper.

2. Make sure you set a good price to sell your house, especially if it needs a lot of work. You don’t want it to be too high or buyers may pass it up. Your real estate agent will be able to help you set the best price to sell your home at. You want a South Hudson NH agent who will be able to guide you in the right direction and set the best price for your home.

3. Be honest about the flaws in your South Hudson NH house when you are selling. Disclosure is always in your best interest because if a buyer finds out about it after the fact they will want more off the price of the home. Your house may be subject to a home inspection before the sale is completed. So it is in your best interest to be clear about any repairs or maintenance from the onset that need to be taken care of so the buyers don't ask for further discounts.

4. Include headlines with your ads such as “Handyman Special”, “Big Savings For Handy Homeowners”, “A Diamond in the Rough”, “Beautiful Home for a Bargain” or other references to that explain that the home needs work. People want to know what they are getting into. If it’s just cosmetic work make sure to have your information worded properly.

5. If there is something wonderful about your house that you love, be sure to highlight that when you are selling. It might be a good reason for a buyer to love as well. Do you have acres of land, or a large basement that can be renovated to make a larger living space? Be sure to let potential buyers know this important information. That small muddy stream in the back yard that you love, or the giant birch tree that you sit under in the summer to get some shade, the location, or anything else you might love. Someone else is bound to fall in love with the same things as you! 

6. Property investors and contractors can be possible buyers for your fixer upper homes. They can buy the house for the bargain price you sell it for, fix it, and then use it as a way to make a profit by renting it out, or reselling it after they finish the work that it needs. You may even want to highlight the investment potential when placing ads about selling your house.

If you are looking to buy or sell your fixer upper house for sale in South Hudson give Harmony Real Estate a call at (603) 883-8840 or visit our website at www.Harmony-RE.com. Our experienced agents would love to find you a great investment!

Selling a home can be difficult enough as it is, but it can be even more challenging to sell a home that needs a lot of work or updating. Most buyers want homes that have modern kitchens, spacious master bedrooms and updated bathrooms. Fixer uppers rarely have such amenities and need work.

The buyer will either need to have the time and be handy or have the extra money to pay to have the work completed. The key to successfully selling your fixer upper lies in reaching the right audience. With the right real estate agent this task will be much easier to accomplish.

Here are some tips on how to sell your fixer upper in South Hudson, New Hampshire:

  1. Find the best agent to help you sell your South Hudson NH home. You can interview a few and decide who would be the best fit. Make sure you ask your agent if they’ve sold houses that have needed to be fixed up before. The more experience they have, the easier it will be for you. The more experience that they have the easier it will be for you to sell your fixer upper.

  1. Make sure you set a bargain price to sell your home, especially if it needs a lot of work. You don’t want it to be too high or buyers may pass it up. Your real estate agent will be able to help you set the best price to sell your home at. You want a South Hudson NH agent who will be able to guide you in the right direction and set the best price for your home.

  2. Be honest about the flaws in your South Hudson NH home when you are selling. Disclosure is always in your best interest because if a buyer finds out about it after the fact they will want more off the price of the home. Your house may be subject to a home inspection before the sale is completed. So it is in your best interest to be clear about any repairs or maintenance from the onset that need to be taken care of.

  1. Include headlines with your ads such as “Handyman Special”, “Big Savings For Handy Homeowners”, “A Diamond in the Rough”, “Beautiful Home for a Bargain” or other references to that speak well to the fact that the home needs work. People want to know what they are getting into. If it’s just cosmetic work make sure to have your information worded properly.

  2. If there is something wonderful about your home that you love, be sure to highlight that when you are selling. It might be a good reason for a buyer to love as well. Do you have acres of land, or a large basement that can be renovated to make a larger living space? Be sure to let potential buyers know this important information. That small muddy stream in the back yard that you love, or the giant birch tree that you sit under in the summer to get some shade, the location, or anything else you might love. Someone else may fall in love with the same things as you!

  3. Property investors and contractors can be possible buyers for your fixer upper home. They can buy the house for the bargain price you sell it for, fix it, and then use it as a way to make a profit by renting it out, or reselling it after they finish the work that it needs. You may even want to highlight the investment potential when placing ads about selling your home.

If you are looking to buy or sell a South Hudson fixer upper home for sale give Harmony Real Estate a call at (603) 883-8840 or visit our website at www.Harmony-RE.com. Our experienced agents would love to find you a great investment!

Your Dream Home on the Green: Golf Course Houses for Sale

Who wouldn't love living on a golf course?

If you love to to be on the green daily you should consider buying one of the amazing golf course houses in South Hudson NH for sale. South Hudson is a golf community that would be perfect for your needs. Golf course homes enjoy the gorgeous views of the of the well kept greens and landscaped rolling hills. The views will be well maintained by the grounds keepers without the hassle of any work from you.

Owning a home near a golf course or on the golf course comes with many benefits. From the beautiful landscaping, the views, your neighbors with similar golfing interests, to the convenience of golfing anytime you want, living in a golf course community is one you will want to enjoy for yourself. 

Convenience is key!

There are two wonderful golf courses located in Hudson NH, Green Meadow and Whip Poor Will. Both are tucked away in private neighborhoods but are located close to all the local amenities. Restaurants, shopping, and more are located just minutes away.

Green Meadow has a fabulous golf course which was established by the Friel's in 1959. There are two eighteen hole course which offer different challenges. The “Prairie” is flat and wide while the “Jungle” is more rolling with trees. This golf course is surrounding by single-family homes, offering you one of the best sceneries in town. You are in for a treat and can truly have it all.

Whip Poor Will Golf Club is also another great choice located in North Hudson NH. It was built in the late 1950's and features Vesper Velvet greens. There are nine challenging holes with a golfer-friendly atmosphere. They have even been featured in New England's Journal of Golf's Great Drives. This community is surrounded by the condos in Rolling Green and the single-family homes.

Awesome Resale is Always a Plus

You will not be disappointed to find out the value of your South Hudson NH house because it will have good resale value. Golf community homes are always in high demand and tend to bring in a higher value than other neighborhoods. 

Do you enjoy golfing? Do you want to live on a scenic golf course in South Hudson? Well, you can in a South Hudson NH golf course community.

Check out our website at www.Harmony-RE.com to see a list of all golf course houses  for sale in South Hudson NH. If you want to know more about the advantages of living in a golf community or for a list of South Hudson golf houses for sale give the agents at Harmony Real Estate a call today at (603) 883-8840.

With the professional knowledge of our agents by your side, we will find you the perfect home for sale in a South Hudson NH golf community.

Who wouldn't love living on a golf course?

6 Powerful Reasons to use a REALTOR®

Reasons to use a REALTOR

Here are 6 Essential Reasons to use a REALTOR®:

Sets the right price.

REALTORS® know how to set the right price to sell your house. The don’t rely on sentimental value. They look at the comparable homes in your neighborhood with similar features and base the price off of that. If a similar house sells yours should be closely priced to that in order to sell.


Effective presentation

REALTORS® can help you set your house up perfectly for a showing. They know all the right ideas, tricks and angles to make your home look presentable. 


Gets your house seen by buyers

REALTORS® know all the best websites and just the right places to post your listing so other agents and buyers will see it.


Negotiation skills

REALTORS® are the BEST negotiators. You need to remember that they do this every single day. You can trust them to get you the best listing price for your house.


Make sure the transaction moves smoothly

Using a REALTOR® is always a good idea because they can help your transaction move smoothly, and goes as planned. They will deal with any difficulties so you don’t have to! That takes the stress off of you as their client whether you are buying or selling.



Your REALTOR® knows anyone and everyone who can help with selling your house. Mortgage brokers, interior designers, house inspectors, real estate attorneys, plumbers, you name it. Anyone you might need is in their network so be sure to take advantage of that.


If you are looking to sell your South Hudson NH house contact our team of qualified REALTORS® at Harmony Real Estate. We can explain all the reasons to use a REALTOR® and your best options for the best experience. Give us a call at (603) 883-8840 to get a free evaluation of your home. We would love to help with on your new journey!

Reasons for Buying a South Hudson NH House for Sale Now

Buying a South Hudson NH house for sale

Are you thinking of buying a South Hudson NH house for sale?

If you are planning to relocate to the Southern New Hampshire area and would like a house close to Massachusetts or Nashua, NH, there are many good homes to choose from. Many of these communities are quiet and perfect for raising a family.

If you are looking for a friendly community with great schools, fantastic restaurants, and caring neighbors you may want to consider a home in South Hudson, NH. In South Hudson, you will find the perfect house for you and your family. If you are seeking land and privacy you have come to the right place.

The South Hudson Community

Just 45 minutes North of Boston, and less than 5 minutes from the south end of Nashua, South Hudson offers many different styles of homes such as Ranches, Colonials and Split levels as well as Gambrel’s, Capes and Saltbox homes.

South Hudson is just miles away from The Pheasant Lane Mall, which is one of the largest retail clusters in New England. So if you ever need some shopping therapy you will love this location. With NO SALES TAX in New Hampshire you will enjoy your shopping conveniences without restrictions.

If you need to be close to Massachusetts for family, or work but don’t want the hassle of expensive living in Massachusetts, South Hudson is an awesome choice for you. Many of the neighborhoods have homes with an acre of land or more. In 2017 the prices of single family homes in South Hudson ranged from $190,000 to $599,000 with a median sold price of $335,000, while condos range from $159,900 to $259,000 with a median sold price of $177,500.

What Do Houses in South Hudson NH have to Offer?

The residents in the town of Hudson don’t just love the location, but the town itself. Hudson is very community based with a group of wonderful residents. There is a beautiful pond to the right of Route 102 where you can swim, fish, ice skate, or boat year round. Robinson Pond is for town residents only. There are also two golf courses, and Benson’s Park which is an old zoo renovated into a gorgeous park with many trails and a newly built playground, as well as a fenced in area for dogs to enjoy the outdoors as well!

South Hudson has neighborhoods with newer single family homes, and older neighborhoods with homes for a first time buyer to middle or upper-class families. It is a desired area being so close to the highway, and Massachusetts.

Hudson has wonderful schools being a part of the SAU 81 school district. Hudson has several Elementary Schools. Nottingham West Elementary, which is the primary elementary school for South Hudson has a 7 out of 10 Great! Schools rating, making them one of the top two elementary schools in Hudson.

Buying a South Hudson NH House For Sale?

There are many wonderful homes in this area, new and old, and very many different styles to choose from. Whether you’re seeking a large home, or a small home, we can find one that suits all of your needs! Let us help you find your dream home right here in South Hudson, New Hampshire.

Are you looking for a newly constructed or renovated home, or a single family home with a private backyard? Are you seeking an affordable house with low taxes?

With so many different choices, we can help you find the perfect South Hudson house for sale, no matter what you want. The South Hudson neighborhood has everything you are looking for.

If you would like to discuss buying a South Hudson house for sale, contact our office, Harmony Real Estate at (603) 883-8840 and speak with one of our qualified agents. Visit our website at www.Harmony-RE.com for a list of all the homes available in South Hudson, New Hampshire.

Are you looking for a house for sale here in South Hudson? Let the best Hudson REALTORS® help you find the home of your dreams.